Versions Compared


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The geofence and person list have got this extra field


Favourites Icons

Favourite icons to apple and other browsers was added.

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it also shows a nice jome icon now.


Driver mobile logbook login (test feature)

A new driver mobile logbook login was implemented. A driver user can use his drivername and password to enter the logbook.

As a precondition the driver needs to get the right to use the mobile logbook logi. You can un/-check the Only drivers can login, that have enabled the app:Image Removed

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A driver user can use his drivername and password to enter the logbook.

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The driver is able to login instead of using an ibutton

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The buzzer should stop, when the login is choose the asset from a pulldown to identify himself as the current driver for this vehicle and to add a comment to the logbook comment field.

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Please note the the comment is for the current trip only for technical reasons!


The direct link is the same link as the standard link with lpapp at the end



it shoud not be possible to login in the smartphone tool, software or logbook app and store the link in fovourites.

As long the user or pass is not changed it should store be possible to login using the bookmark.

The driver identification with the driver mobile login can also be used with the buzzer alert.

New direct login links as favorites

After entering the software, you will see that a unique link is generated in your web-browser. You can use the newly created link after the login to store it as a favorite and to login without entering your username again.

As long as you don't change the username and password, the link with the unique key will work.

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Favorite link for the GPS Fleet Software

Login with your username and password and store the link as favorite link and bookmark it (e.g. on your desktop).

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You can use the link after to mobile access login to send it to your mobile phone and create a bookmark:

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New favorite login to the driver mobile logbook

You can use the link after to login to send it to your mobile phone and use it as a direct login link for the driver login, to send it to your mobile phone and use it as a direct login link for the driver login

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Implemented SIMMA Interface


Person List updated to the new design and it comes with a button for a full window mode which opens a window for a better view on the person list.




New Operating Data Logging Report

A new Report to easily watch times of an extra input signal, which shows working time of a vehicle in comparison to the ignition report compares the time of ignition with engine time and highlights differences in red-amber-green based on the configuration in the account options.

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If the difference between ignition and the selected input is smaller then 2 hours (example), the day will be shown as green. This means that ignition usage was less than 2 hours longer than engine usage.

If the difference between ignition and the selected input is greater then 2 hours (example), the day will be shown as orange. This means that ignition usage more than 2 hours longer than engine usage.

If the difference between ignition and the selected input is greater then 4 hours (example), the day will be shown as red. This means that ignition usage more than 4 hours longer than engine usage.

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You can use the digital input filter to select which input is the engine signal.

New Filter for Screening Log Report

Customer(Geofence) and Person(Driver) added.



fuel sensor including Alarm Features (testing feature)

A new Analog Sensor analog sensor was added to control fill level of storage tanks. Also min and max limit alarms was added to be informed when limits are exceeded.


the most important parameter ist called apikey.

It can be the The API Key configured in account options, what gives the caller full access to the software:

or Or it also could be a combination of the username and password combined with 4 minus chars. e.g. for  asset 112----passs2323, in an http parm this looks like asset%20112----passs2323

The user name can be the assetname, drivername, managername or username.

Most propably this will ne be used to enable apps to login as driver to update the logbook,.....

The current interface can generated by the application.wadl call e.g


The data fetch call can be triggerd by a a simple http go get call:



GPS-Spotter Billing Logic (voucher accounts only)

The asset are upload on the dataserver with the imei and msisdn

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The credits per month is synched to the GFS later on every few minutes.

In GFS (not dataserver), the default month free of chage can be configured in partner, 3 stands for 3 free mohths.

Manual Bookings

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the manual booking section as super user enables to add credits with positive values and deduct credits with negative values.

Manual Bookings

SMS are default 0, if the user configures alarms,... the sms are booked automaticall with a configured amount (systemconfig). if all sms are used, another set is bought using points.


Billing Logic - booking Process

The following sections describes the logic of the booking process.

The book process runs daily over all acocunts.


if its not, its ignores the account.

if it has process this account aleady (column lastmonth_processed,lastyear_processed) , it igores the account this time until the next month (EXIT processing)

if the account has no asset for a configure time (def. 60 day), the account is deactivated. (EXIT processing)

if sum of the montly credits for this account is 0,

  • 0 credits are booked and the book ts wis written in lastmonth_depit,lastyear_depit
  • EXIT processing

if the account has no credits left:

  • suspend all sims using the aspider call
  • if the account has no credits for more thant 8 months
    • deactivate acocunt
  • EXIT processing

Do the booking, all preconditons are checked

  • add the entry to the voucher log table
  • x credits are booked and the book ts wis written in lastmonth_depit,lastyear_depit
  • Info Email to the customer
  • EXIT processing


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The process is like this:


Routing with Routific instead of PTV/....

The routing engine was changed to
