The provider cannot guarantee the availability and accuracy of the map data. The standard map is OpenStreetMaps. The addresses and street names are coded via TeleAtlas data openstreetmaps from the GPS coordinates. Openstreetmaps.org is a public domain adress service, and anyone can add or change streetnames to openstreetmaps.org. TeleAtlas is paid one time licence for one device on its own without updates. Updates can only be made by TeleAtlas. TeleAtlas is available for most of the countries in Europe and the Middle East (GCC countries, Egypt and north Africa). If the position is not in one of these countries, it will be shown with only the coordinates without the street names.
Additional mapping providers such as Google can be shown, but it is mandatory part of our standard deliveries and the customer is liable to enter in any license agreement with such mapping providers if requests.
- Only selected tracking devices support a connection with a navigation device.
- Requires a compatible Garmin navigation device, we can provide you with a list of devices
- Requires a special FMI cable
- The Garmin device must be installed properly in the car (with permanent power)
- The software must be enabled to support navigation.
- The sleep mode on the tracking device must be de-activated and “Navi connected” must be set in the asset configuration
Requirements for the Time Data Table (Tempore)
Certain features or items are described as “BETA”-features if they are still in an early development phase. There is no guarantee that all functions or features will work 100%, but we look forward to receiving customers’ feedback how to improve our future development.