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Table of Contents


User Permission

The user group was able to edit assets when they used the detailed assetlist. This bug is fixed.

Deactivated Geofences in Masterdata.xml

Deactivated Geofences were transferred to Device Denter because Geotags were selected from the database without considering if the corresponding Geofence is active. The bug is fixed. It should be tested well, if Geofences are transferred correctly into the Device Center.


New List for Dynamic Fields

A new List was implemented to show all entries for dynamic fields in our software.

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New Flag for Operating Data Logging

The new Flag Record Dynamic Field History allows to enable historical save of all changes to Dynamic Fields. Also includes a GUI option to hide the Operation Data Logging tab.

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New Field Assetkey for Assets

new assetkey for assets to reference on third-party systems.

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A Variety of New Calls for our JSON API

many new calls which can be found at: JSON API (or in german at: JSON API/wiki/spaces/KNOW/pages/3608400).

New Filter for Tour Compare Reports

new Asset and Date Filter for Tour Compare Reports. In addition the Tour Compare Reports can now be opend for multiple tourjobs.

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Single-Sign-On for operators

There is a new field for Operators where one or more windows usernames can be added and by going to the <GFS-Link>/noelsso.html Page a special sso URL within Internet Explorer a user who is addet to an operator will be automatically logged in.

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The Windows usernames that shall login with this operator user must be added, separated with ,

ActiveX elements must be allowed in the Internet Explorer security settings

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Restrictions Tab for Assets like Geofence Restrictions

The Restriction Tab already known from the Geofences is now also applicable for Assets. All alarms are only generated within the active time setting. It filters all alarms corresponding to the settings.Image RemovedOutside the active time setting, no alarm is generated.

The time setting can be changed for each asset. It applies to all alerts of the asset.

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New AssetList Features

New features for the AssetList are implemented. This features can be activated/deactivated in the account options and are designed for performance. It is configurable to load fewer data to show in the list to reduce loading time or to use a more specific filter for faster filtering.
