Daten-Schnittstellen: HTTP & XML Interfaces (optional) - Auslaufen mit 31.03.2018
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Anlegen und Deaktivieren von Geofence-Bereichen - Auslaufen mit 31.03.2018
Die folgenden Aufrufe stehen bis auf weiteres zur Verfügung, eine Änderung in naher Zukunft ist aber geplant:
Geofence erstellen
Geofences deaktivieren
The interface to access that data is a http/xml interface. A simple http call can be used to get the data as an xml. In some cases an excel sheet can be uploaded and the server will fill in the missing data.
The communication is done as follows:
- A http request is sent to the GPS Fleet Server, containing a security id and operation field
- The gps fleet server checks if the client is authenticated and sends back the feedback
The following parameters have to be set at each request:
Paramname | Required | Example value | Comment |
Operation | Yes | lastpos | The operation field defines what data has to be loaded |
secid | yes | xml812089481 | Please ask the GPS Fleet Software provider to get the security id. It is configured in the account and authorizes the caller to load certain data. |
The Url to be called is the GPS Fleet Server url and /ExternalXMLServer
Example 2 for a local request
Please note that there is a test site to generate the request. It can be called by calling “geocoding.jsp”
The encoding of the response is UTF-8.
GPS Data Calls
Get the last positions of the assets:
GPS Data Export
The gps data export delivers the rawdata. The last is a number that identifies each gps data record uniquely.
IT can be used to load only the records that have not been processed yet.
Logbook Export
The logbook export generates the completely finished GFS logbook as an XML export.
Geofence Visit Report
Export the visit reports for geofences:
Geofence Activation / Deactivation
Geocoding Calls
The geocoding interface enables it to do
- Reverse Geocoding – get the address from a given lat/lng
- Geocoding – get the lat/lng from an address
- Bulk Reverse Geocoding – do multiple operations in once call
- Bulk Geocoding – do multiple operations in once call
- Bulk Reverse Geocoding with geofence creation– do multiple operations in once call and add all items have a certain quality to the system as a geofence
- Bulk (Reverse) Geocoding with geofence creation– do multiple operations in once call and add all items have a certain quality to the system as a geofence
The geocoding calls also deliver quality information about the calculated address.
The class returns information about the quality of the response.
Class | Name | Description |
0 | NOT_CLASSIFIED | No classification is available |
1 | LOW | The address candidate is of lower quality. |
2 | HIGH | The address candidate is of average quality. |
3 | HIGH | The address candidate is a close match to the input |
4 | EXACT | The address candidate can be considered exact |
5 | UNIQUE | The address candidate can be considered unique. |
If you enter the city name only, the quality will be 5 for high, because the software found it and this is the maximum it can do for you.
If you enter the city and streetname with housenumber and the software returns 5, you have a full hit, of you only have 4 , it might be a smaller spelling problem.
We recommend to use only records with a minimum of 4 |
Detail Level
Level | Name | Description |
1 | STATE | Candidate was found on country level. |
2 | EXTPOSTCODE | Candidate was found on global postal code level. |
3 | CITY | Candidate was found on city level.
4 | CITY2 | Candidate was found on city district level.
5 | POSTCODE | Candidate was found on postal code level. |
6 | STREET | Candidate was found on street level. |
7 | HNRSECTION | Candidate was found on house number section level. Note that the address result does not contain a exact housenumber |
8 | HNRLINK | Candidate was found on house number link level. |
9 | HNRINTERPOLATED | Candidate was found on house number level, the house number was interpolated. |
10 | HNREXACT | Candidate was found on house number level, the data contained the exact house number. |
11 | INTERSECTION | Candidate was found on intersection level, the result data is an intersection. |
If you set the house number in street request, 9 is a good result
If you don’t set the house number, the maximum you can achieve is 6.
We recommend to use responses with a minimum quality of 9, if the house number is set. We recommend to use responses with a minimum quality of 6, if the street only is set
The score is a combination of detail level and class and can be stored for further information.
Geocoding Address Format
Please note that you can use the country field to make the search operation faster and more precise, but you have to use the official 3 character codes (ISO 2166/MA). For more information consider see
Code | Country | Code | Country |
ABW | Aruba | LAO | Lao People's Democratic Republic |
AFG | Afghanistan | LBN | Lebanon |
AGO | Angola | LBR | Liberia |
AIA | Anguilla | LBY | Libya |
ALA | Åland Islands | LCA | Saint Lucia |
ALB | Albania | LIE | Liechtenstein |
AND | Andorra | LKA | Sri Lanka |
ARE | United Arab Emirates | LSO | Lesotho |
ARG | Argentina | LTU | Lithuania |
ARM | Armenia | LUX | Luxembourg |
ASM | American Samoa | LVA | Latvia |
ATA | Antarctica | MAC | Macao |
ATF | French Southern Territories | MAF | Saint Martin (French part) |
ATG | Antigua and Barbuda | MAR | Morocco |
AUS | Australia | MCO | Monaco |
AUT | Austria | MDA | Moldova, Republic of |
AZE | Azerbaijan | MDG | Madagascar |
BDI | Burundi | MDV | Maldives |
BEL | Belgium | MEX | Mexico |
BEN | Benin | MHL | Marshall Islands |
BES | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | MKD | Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
BFA | Burkina Faso | MLI | Mali |
BGD | Bangladesh | MLT | Malta |
BGR | Bulgaria | MMR | Myanmar |
BHR | Bahrain | MNE | Montenegro |
BHS | Bahamas | MNG | Mongolia |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | MNP | Northern Mariana Islands |
BLM | Saint Barthélemy | MOZ | Mozambique |
BLR | Belarus | MRT | Mauritania |
BLZ | Belize | MSR | Montserrat |
BMU | Bermuda | MTQ | Martinique |
BOL | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | MUS | Mauritius |
BRA | Brazil | MWI | Malawi |
BRB | Barbados | MYS | Malaysia |
BRN | Brunei Darussalam | MYT | Mayotte |
BTN | Bhutan | NAM | Namibia |
BVT | Bouvet Island | NCL | New Caledonia |
BWA | Botswana | NER | Niger |
CAF | Central African Republic | NFK | Norfolk Island |
CAN | Canada | NGA | Nigeria |
CCK | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | NIC | Nicaragua |
CHE | Switzerland | NIU | Niue |
CHL | Chile | NLD | Netherlands |
CHN | China | NOR | Norway |
CIV | Côte d'Ivoire | NPL | Nepal |
CMR | Cameroon | NRU | Nauru |
COD | Congo, the Democratic Republic of the | NZL | New Zealand |
COG | Congo | OMN | Oman |
COK | Cook Islands | PAK | Pakistan |
COL | Colombia | PAN | Panama |
COM | Comoros | PCN | Pitcairn |
CPV | Cape Verde | PER | Peru |
CRI | Costa Rica | PHL | Philippines |
CUB | Cuba | PLW | Palau |
CUW | Curaçao | PNG | Papua New Guinea |
CXR | Christmas Island | POL | Poland |
CYM | Cayman Islands | PRI | Puerto Rico |
CYP | Cyprus | PRK | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of |
CZE | Czech Republic | PRT | Portugal |
DEU | Germany | PRY | Paraguay |
DJI | Djibouti | PSE | Palestinian Territory, Occupied |
DMA | Dominica | PYF | French Polynesia |
DNK | Denmark | QAT | Qatar |
DOM | Dominican Republic | REU | Réunion |
DZA | Algeria | ROU | Romania |
ECU | Ecuador | RUS | Russian Federation |
EGY | Egypt | RWA | Rwanda |
ERI | Eritrea | SAU | Saudi Arabia |
ESH | Western Sahara | SDN | Sudan |
ESP | Spain | SEN | Senegal |
EST | Estonia | SGP | Singapore |
ETH | Ethiopia | SGS | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
FIN | Finland | SHN | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
FJI | Fiji | SJM | Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
FLK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | SLB | Solomon Islands |
FRA | France | SLE | Sierra Leone |
FRO | Faroe Islands | SLV | El Salvador |
FSM | Micronesia, Federated States of | SMR | San Marino |
GAB | Gabon | SOM | Somalia |
GBR | United Kingdom | SPM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
GEO | Georgia | SRB | Serbia |
GGY | Guernsey | SSD | South Sudan |
GHA | Ghana | STP | Sao Tome and Principe |
GIB | Gibraltar | SUR | Suriname |
GIN | Guinea | SVK | Slovakia |
GLP | Guadeloupe | SVN | Slovenia |
GMB | Gambia | SWE | Sweden |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau | SWZ | Swaziland |
GNQ | Equatorial Guinea | SXM | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) |
GRC | Greece | SYC | Seychelles |
GRD | Grenada | SYR | Syrian Arab Republic |
GRL | Greenland | TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands |
GTM | Guatemala | TCD | Chad |
GUF | French Guiana | TGO | Togo |
GUM | Guam | THA | Thailand |
GUY | Guyana | TJK | Tajikistan |
HKG | Hong Kong | TKL | Tokelau |
HMD | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | TKM | Turkmenistan |
HND | Honduras | TLS | Timor-Leste |
HRV | Croatia | TON | Tonga |
HTI | Haiti | TTO | Trinidad and Tobago |
HUN | Hungary | TUN | Tunisia |
IDN | Indonesia | TUR | Turkey |
IMN | Isle of Man | TUV | Tuvalu |
IND | India | TWN | Taiwan, Province of China |
IOT | British Indian Ocean Territory | TZA | Tanzania, United Republic of |
IRL | Ireland | UGA | Uganda |
IRN | Iran, Islamic Republic of | UKR | Ukraine |
IRQ | Iraq | UMI | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
ISL | Iceland | URY | Uruguay |
ISR | Israel | USA | United States |
ITA | Italy | UZB | Uzbekistan |
JAM | Jamaica | VAT | Holy See (Vatican City State) |
JEY | Jersey | VCT | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
JOR | Jordan | VEN | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
JPN | Japan | VGB | Virgin Islands, British |
KAZ | Kazakhstan | VIR | Virgin Islands, U.S. |
KEN | Kenya | VNM | Viet Nam |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan | VUT | Vanuatu |
KHM | Cambodia | WLF | Wallis and Futuna |
KIR | Kiribati | WSM | Samoa |
KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis | YEM | Yemen |
KOR | Korea, Republic of | ZAF | South Africa |
KWT | Kuwait | ZMB | Zambia |
ZWE | Zimbabwe |
Data Availability
The availability of data depends on the configuration of your account and asset configuration. Some products are licensed with your assets, some on the account.
Currently the geocoding data is available for: Europe
Currently the reverse - geocoding data is available for: Europe, Middle East
(Reverse-) Geocoding Parameters
The following parameter are available:
- country
- city
- postalcode
- street
- lat
- lng
If at least the city and street is set, the software will try to calculate the lat and lng in the result, otherwhise if the lat/lng is set, it will try to get the address. If the city and steet and lat/lng is not set it will raise an error.
(Reverse-) Geocoding Parameters with Geofence Creation!
Additionally to the address fields the following parameters are used:
Name | Required | Comment | Example |
gupdate | Yes | set it to 1 if you also want the geofences to be updated, if it exists already. Set the value to 0, if you don’t want it to be updated. | 1 or 0 |
geofenceName | Yes | Name of the geofence to be created or updated. Please note that are rules for the geofence name for certain but mandatory reasons.
Allowed characters are: Space,-,+,(,),@,0..9, a..z,A..Z
All other invalid characters will be replaced with: - | Customer Mäier |
gmindetail | yes | Set the minimum quality of the address: (See 28.5.2 ). If the quality is too low, the geofence will not be created | 9 |
gminclass | yes | Set the minimum quality of the address: (See 28.5.1 ). If the quality is too low, the geofence will not be created | 4 |
gsizemeter | yes | Set the size of geofence around the center point | 50 |
geofenceAssetID | No | If you set the id, the geofeonce is assigned to the asset only. If the value is null the geofence is assigned to all.
Please note that this value is not updated in the case of an existing geofence. |
geofenceTypeID | yes | Select they type of the geofence.
By default the following types are available:
0 Standard 1 Customer 2 Standard-Symbol 3 Standard-no-map 4 Standard-no-map-no list
Type 0 uses a rectangle to display the geofence
Type 1 uses a rectangle to display the geofence. It could be used later one to filter based on the type.
Type 2 can be used to display a container symbol on the map instead of the rectangle.
Type 3 is not displayed on the map, because large amount of Geofences (more than 1000) will make the map display very slow.
Type 4 is not displayed in the map and not shown in the rules list view because many geofence records will make the loading too slow.
http GFS (Reverse-) Geocoding Call
The following http call is calculating the address for a give lat/lng or calculates the lat/lng based on the address.
http GFS (Reverse-) Geocoding Call & Geofence Update/Creation
The following call is doing the(reverse-) geocoding operation and creates / updates a geofence with the given name.
Result in the case of an insert
Result in the case of an update
Result in the case of not found
Geofence Creation / Updates & GFS Geocoding Web Call with XML for multiple addresses
Result if e.g. updates took place