Logbook Module (outdated)

Logbook Module (outdated)

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Select your Asset

Select the vehicle that you want to edit the logbook for

Changes are only possible as administrator

You can edit the odometer (kilometre level), the distance of each trip, the private-business status and the comments and geofences.

Settings and Functions


Functions and fields



Refresh the table after changing a time selection

You must click on “Refresh” to apply the changes


  • Details: open a logbook entry
  • Calibrate (Start KM): change the start odometer for the selected trip
  • Correct Distance: change the distance for the selected trip
  • Change private/business: change the private/business state of the trip
  • Set all selected trips to private: changes the trip status to private
  • Set all selected trips to business: change trip status to business
  • Set comment for all selected trips
  • Change the driver
  • Change driver name for all entries

From – To

Select the right dates


Add or change a geofence

If you add a new geofence, you will be asked if you want to generate a geofence automatically at this location.

If there are several geofences at the same location, you can select the right one from a list

Excel / PDF

Download the shown data


Show only trips


Show only stops

Show private

Shows private trips

Changes only

Shows changes with a * Symbol

Dist. Filter

Distance filter: choose trips with longer distances

 Calibrate Start KM

       Attention! Changes with the KM can only have influence on future entries.

       Always change older entries first, it is not possible that other way round.

       All changes are documented in the comment field of the logbook with the software user.


Functions and fields


Checkbox before the entry

Select the right trip where you know the odometer (at the start of the trip) and use Actions > Calibrate Start KM

Calibrate (Start KM)

Function in the menu

Current Value (km)

Current kilometre value (odometer) for that trip in the logbook

New Value (km)

New kilometre value (odometer) for that trip in the logbook

Change reason

Documentation of the change

Send Change


Changes only have an effect on future entries. Always change prior entries first. If you change a kilometre value in May 2013, then you cannot do any changes before that date anymore. The other way round you can do a change in November 2012 before changing May 2013.

 Edit Logbook Entry


Functions and fields


Checkbox before the entry

Select the right trip and use Actions > Details

Or double-click on the entry

Start Geofence

Column next to the start address in the logbook

End Geofence

Column next to the end address in the logbook

Create new Geofence

To create a geofence at the location of the start or end address

Set a new geofence

Shows a list of geofences if the position is in more than one geofence areas


Enter a comment in the logbook