Persons / Drivers (outdated)
Adding new Drivers/Persons
Every asset requires a standard driver in the software. The assigned driver either comes from the vehicle if it has a driver identification such as ibuttons or it is automatically generated in the software. Automatically generated drivers have names that start with “Driver” and contain a 16 digit number (IMEI of the device). You can change the standard driver name into any shorter name. iButtons are automatically added with their first usage.
General Data
Important Functions and Fields | Description |
Name | Name of the person |
Password | Password to enter the software The person can see and edit her own trips |
Position | Pulldown field (see Options for configuration) |
Work country | Home country (important for remunerations) |
Time Data Source | GPS Data & Geofence 1: Automatic Calculation of Work Time Work time starts with the first start of a business trip except if the first business trip ends in the company geofence area. In this case the end of the first commercial business trip is the start of the work time. The work time ends with the stop of the last business trip of the day except if the last business trip starts in the company geofence. Private times and times with private switch ON are deducted.
GPS Data & Geofence 2 (optional Monday morning): Automatic Calculation of Work Time Work time starts with the first start of a business trip in the company geofence area. The work time ends with the last stop of the last business trip of the day in the company geofence. Private times and times with private switch ON are deducted.
Manual Bookings: Single time entries via iButton, RFID card or Tempore Device Center are processed with the Time Table |
Short Name | Display of name on the Tempore device |
Mobile Number | Phone number to send SMS to the driver |
Group | Sorting the list of persons |
Remuneration Model | Austria – Logbook based The total is used for remuneration. Private trips and waiting times are deducted. Trips in private geofence-areas are deducted. The private areas must be activated for each person. The remuneration time can be adjusted by changing the private status in the logbook module.
Austria – manual bookings The iButton chips are used for remunerations. |
Activity Group | The person only sees the activities that belong to the group (for Tempore, Apps) |
Reporting group | Used for adding the person to a group for the reports |
Apps & Communication
Important Functions and Fields | Description |
Email fields | Used to send orders to the driver |
Mobile | Type of mobile phone |
Logbook App | Enables to login to the logbook app |
Show Stops | Logbook app shows the stops |
App: Can see all assets | Driver can select also other assets |
Change KM | Driver can change the odometer |
Tempore identification numbers that are assigned to persons
Company or private geofence areas that can be assigned to a person.
You can add comments to each person.
Remunerations (test Feature)
List of remunerations for each person which can be added as Euro amount.
Extra Fields (optional)
You can set dynamic fields that are shown for each driver.