How to call CabCash
Make sure the Devices are paired.
Open a connection as shown in the CabCashAPIDemo App.
Make sure the CabCash App has an active login and is on the MainPage.
Send a command as described in the Command Section.
Other App on the same Device
- Make sure the CabCash App has an active login and is on the MainPage.
- Send an Intent as shown in the CabCashAPIDemo App with a command as described in the Command Section.
Command Section
There are two basic commands, one for the single payment Activity and one for multi payment Activity.
Single Payment
dopayment-> let the API know you want to do single Payment.
article-> Name of the Article. (The Article must be added in the CabCash App)
price-> A double value for the price to be payed.
comment1/comment2-> text base comment which will be shown in the Activity and on the bill.
Example: dopayment,cola,12.34,com1,com2
Multi Payment
domultipayment,*list of articles*,*comment*
domultipayment-> let the API know you want to do multi Payment.
list of articles-> a list of articles seperated by ";" and each seperated by ":" from the count. (All Articles must be added in the CabCash App)
comment-> text base comment which will be shown in the Activity and on the bill.
Example: domultipayment,cola:2;sprite:1,com