Driver Ranking Report
New Driver Ranking Report calculating a ranking for all drivers using the given options. Higher percent Rankings indicate better driving behavior. The Rating for the different violations is calculated this way: <total violation events> * <factor for this violation> / <driven km> (The total events of violation multiplied by the given factor for this violation and divided by the total driven km). The Rating Total is calculated this way: 100 - (<percent HB>/100 * <weight HB> + <percent HA>/100 * <weight HA> + <percent SV>/100 * <weight SV> + <percent SB>/100 * <weight SB>) (The sum of the single ratings in percent divided by 100, multiplied by the weight and this value finally gets subtracted from 100).
The Options can be used to configure the report, below is described how all the options affect the report:
- RAG min KM for display Record: This field sets the minimum km which must be driven by a driver for him to show up in the Driver Ranking Report. For instance: If this option is set to 10km only drivers who have driven at least 10km in the selected time span will be shown.
- RED to: This field configures up to which percent of the Total Rating the row of the driver will be colored red. For instance: If this is set to 70 all driver with a Total Rating from 0 to 70 will be colored red.
- YELLOW to: According to "RED to" this field configures the range for yellow coloring. Everything above the limit will be colored green. For instance: If this is set to 91 and "RED to" is set to 70 all driver with a Total Rating from 70 to 91 will be colored yellow and driver with Total Rating from 91 to 100 will be colored green.
- HB Factor: The Factor used for Hard Breaking events. For instance: A factor of 100 with 1 Hard Breaking Event and 500 km driven would lead to following calculation: 1 * 100 / 500 = 0.2 therefore a rating of 20%.
- HB Weight: The weight of Hard Breaking Events for the calculation of the Rating Total.
For instance: If all weights are 25 and the driver has 20% HB Rating, 30% HA Rating, 10% SV Rating and 0% SB Rating this would lead to following calculation: 100 - ((20/100)*25+(30/100)*25+(10/100)*25+(0/100)*25) therefore a rating of 85%. - HB indicator: The indicator sets the limit for the corresponding violation score. If the value of the violation score of a driver is above the limit the field will be highlighted with red background color. For instance: If a driver has a HB Rating of 30% and the HB indicator is set to 25 the HB Rating Field of this driver will be highlighted with red background color.
- HA Factor: Similar to "HB Factor" but for Hard Acceleration events.
- HA Weight: Similar to "HB Weight" but for Hard Acceleration events.
- HA indicator: Similar to "HB indicator" but for Hard Acceleration events.
- SV Factor: Similar to "HB Factor" but for Speeding Violation events.
- SV Weight: Similar to "HB Weight" but for Speeding Violation events.
- SV indicator: Similar to "HB Factor" but for Speeding Violation events.
- SB Factor: Similar to "HB Factor" but for Seat Belt Violation events.
- SB Weight: Similar to "HB Weight" but for Seat Belt Violation events.
- SB indicator: Similar to "HB Factor" but for Seat Belt Violation events.
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