Start Page Overview (outdated)
Menu points Standard
Single menue items can be shown or hidden.
- Logbook Modul: to edit logbook trips
- Reports
- Emails
- Geofences
- Options
- Link to Support
- Options (only for the administrators)
- Exit/Logout
Optional menu items
More menu items can be shown if necessary
- IVMS in-vehicle monitoring system for driving behavior analysis
- GPS Municipal winter service data
- Fuel tank bills
- Tour module
- Time attendance
- RFID sensors
- Fleet data
Status colours of the assets
current / last received position of vehicles with vehicle designation
- RED symbol = stopped (waiting time with speed 0 or ignition OFF, no logbook entry)
- GREEN = moving (speed is > 0, active logbook)
- Yellow/ORANGE means last position is older than 48 hours
- BLUE means ignition ON and speed close to 0 (logbook idle time)
- BLACK means no accurate GPS Position available (HDOP >= 9), only sent by a view device types
- GREY colour means that the vehicle is configured to be in the workshop (out of Duty)
Important command icons
One click will show the the last position of this asset and follow it (unselect others).
One click will open the driving history of the day for this asset. The green arrows and calender items can be used to change the start and end time.
One click will zoom to the asset without changing the selection.
Dashboard Features (Beta-Features)
The dashboard clearly summarizes important key figures.
The dashboard features can be activated/deactivated by the administrator in the options.
If there are any performance issues, the dashboard elements should be hidden.
These functions are in beta stage. Improvements or errors can occur. Help us with your feedback to further improve these functions.
Function | Details |
Dashboard-Pulldown | Selection of available dashboards Elements can be activated/hidden Elements can be moved |
Element Vehicle Status | The vehicle symbols can be shown/hidden on the map with the legend (e.g. standing, no data, etc.) |
Element Day View | Important key figures displayed daily (since midnight) for the selected vehicles |
Element Travel Time | Idle time with ignition ON as well as travel time in comparison to previous days |
Element Travel Distance | Shows the travel distance of the selected devices for previous days in kilometers |
Features Device-Details
One click on the asset zooms to the vehicle and opens the details:
Asset List Features
You can search for relevant assets using the filter (by name or IMEI number):
You can show/hide different fields in the asset list. You can also sort the assets by their colours (asset status) using the #State field.
After changing the Asset List view save below.
Functions and fields | Description |
Lower Side Window(below the map) | The active / inactive / moving / stopped vehicles can be selected using the shortcut list. |
Map Control(below the main-menu bar, from left to right) | No Auto-Zoom: Activate to switch of the automatic zooming of the map. The map remains in the current area, regardless of the selected vehicles. 60 sec. update time: to update the map Last Track: Displays the last tracks to the current position Excel-Download of the displayed historical vehicle data
- Google Earth KML export of the displayed data - Google Earth link of the displayed data - http link of the displayed data |
Advanced Features | Address: Search field of the addresses to display the address on the map and to create a geofence at this position Mode: mouse functions in the map
Geofence-Pulldown to display selectable groups/areas Activate/deactivate GF checkbox to show/hide geofence areasTree: Show/hide vehicle tree Alarms: Show/hide DV: Show/hide extended history |
Lower System-Info | Version date and version info number Number of available SMS for alarms: optional |
Map-Symbol Right-Hand Side | Standard = always osm (openstreetmaps), additional maps can be displayed depending on the availability |