GPS Fleet Software Version 3.8.73 (February 2024)

GPS Fleet Software Version 3.8.73 (February 2024)

With new versions, the customer is responsible for testing and checking the functions with regard to their own settings, especially in the area of data protection, because each customer may have their own operating agreement and therefore their own settings.


  • Add: New functions or features

  • Remove / End-of-Life: Function or feature is removed

  • Change: Change of an existing function

  • Fix: Correction of an existing function

  • Performance: Relates to increased performance / speed

  • Security: Relates to security or data protection

  • BETA: New functions that are still at an early stage of development, sometimes with limited support.


If you have any questions about the new NG interface, please contact us.

Remove/End-of-Life: Software interface in the classic version

No changes

Change: Driver's logbook report PDF view

In the logbook PDF report, the start and end times as well as the start and end kilometer values have been placed one below another for better readability (previously next to each other). The Excel export has not been changed.



Add: Booking module "Use booking as driver registration" (Beta function, paid feature)

The driver in the booking can be transferred to the logbook as the driver with this option. The driver will be transferred to the logbook unless there is a driver registration in the vehicle with a known driver (driver chip with known driver). In the case of unknown chips or when driving with the standard driver (without registration), the driver from the booking will be used.

Beta functions are new and should be tested intensively by the customer for their effectiveness the first time they are used, we ask for your feedback.




Add: Vehicle configuration: new logbook entry when changing driver (beta function, paid feature)

By default, the last registered driver gets the entire trip. With the new setting, it is possible to start a new trip when drivers change. The setting for "remove short waiting times" is taken into consideration, so that registrations in the first 60 seconds, for example, do not lead to a new logbook entry.

Beta functions are new and should be tested intensively by the customer for their effectiveness the first time they are used, we ask for your feedback.



Add: IVMS-interface requests

Data fields have been added to the IVMS interface requests (see interface description)


Add: Geofence Inventory overview

There is a new graphical inventory overview for geofences. The inventory overview shows how many devices and which devices were currently or on a past date inside or outside of geofence areas (e.g. how many units were at the Brauquartier location).




You can set the geofence so that the bar changes color when the number of machines falls below a minimum or exceeds a maximum (e.g. too many units at the location).



Can't find an answer to your question? Please contact us.

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